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Sunday, December 12, 2010

King of Foods: Marine Phytoplankton

The blue whale is not only among the largest animals in the world, it is often called the king of the seas. These are two facts that are not hard to believe, just looking at this creature, you can tell it rules the ocean. The tidbit of information that is surprising to many people is the fact that the blue whale consumes all of two unique foods, marine phytoplankton and some species of krill (which consumes primarily marine phytoplankton). It is amazing to think that an animal of such gigantic size and power can survive on a primary diet of this amazing super food.

Phytoplankton not only contains all the essential minerals, it also contains all of the essential amino acids, making it a complete protein (similar to that of meat). Although you only consume a small amount of phytoplankton, the protein count is not huge, but it is completely bioavailable and digestible. There is no question of whether or not the protein from phytoplankton is easily absorbed and assimilated. This means that you can consume less of it but still enjoy the benefits of easily digested protein.

Aside from protein and all essential and trace minerals, phytoplankton contains the essential fatty acids, rare anti-oxidants, enzymes, electrolytes and much more. Phytoplankton is alkalinizing in the body and it assists the body in transporting more oxygen, which is important for regeneration and healing. 

Phytoplankton is a raw food, and therefore should not be heated or cooked with. It doesn't taste absolutely amazing, but when mixed with a bit of juice it blends right in. Oceans Alive makes a good phytoplankton product, but there are other good companies out there, I would recommend getting it in dropper form. A serving size is about 10-15 drops, which doesn't seem like much, but remember it is 100% pure nutrition. Lately I have been putting a few drops in my raw cacao smoothies, but if thats not your thing, put 15 drops in your pomegranate juice (or whatever it is that you usually have). 

Phytoplankton is safe to give kids, a know a family of very health conscious eaters who routinely give some to their three year old, and he loves it! It is fairly non-offensive and it's taste is easier to hide than say spirulina powder.  Sometimes I might even put a few drops in my salad dressing or guacamole!

Try it out, hope you love it as much as I do, at the very least you body will love you!

xoxo kby

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